Changing Lives One of the most rewarding aspects of working with migrant farm laborers is knowing that the work we do together can contribute to changing their lives for the better, without sacrificing growers’ bottom lines. It’s like we always say: Responsible...
Getting Up to Speed with Guatemala H-2A Expansion A couple of days ago, the White House posted an update on the Northern Triangle H-2A expansion program in which CIERTO is playing a big role. The goal of the fact sheet is to promote some of the benefits of the...
Observing National Farm Worker Awareness Week. Originally from Huahuaxtla, Puebla, since 2018, Rey Lucas Antonio has come to the US 4 times to work the apple harvest. Working with CIERTO, Rey migrates each year on an H-2A visa. Rey has a TON of crop-specific expertise...
A Panel Hosted by the Packer CIERTO’s H-2A Program Director, Norma Encinas has taken part in a panel hosted by The Packer – the fresh fruit and vegetable industry’s leading source for news, information and analysis. Norma joined frequent CIERTO collaborators...
As part of his ongoing mission to show conclusively that clean recruiting is both the right thing to do, and good business, CIERTO Co-Founder Joe Martinez participated in a virtual panel sponsored by the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Fair Recruitment...
UN Panel Highlights the Voices of Female Migrant Workers Last week CIERTO COO Carolyn Fairman was featured on a UN panel focusing on women in the migrant labor force. Presented by the AVINA Foundation, Women Speak: Experiences and Good Practices to Strengthen the...
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