Employee Services
Safe Passage, a Secure Job & a Good Wage
CIERTO is dedicated to helping you find reliable, sustainable opportunities for seasonal work in the United States.
We know how tough it is to leave your community behind for work, and how dangerous it can be if you don’t have trusted partners to help you cross the border legally, and get to your new job on schedule.
Our trusted recruiters and consultants will make sure you never have to pay to work in the US, help you secure a fair contract, and assist you in learning critical skills that will allow you to succeed at your job, and contribute to your community back home.
Our First Job Is to Get You Safely to Your Job.
Travelling thousands of miles to work in the United States is already a tremendous challenge, even when there are no bumps in the road along the way. You’re away from your friends, missing your family, and homesick for your community.
Working with CIERTO can make meeting some of the other challenges you’ll face easier and less stressful so you can concentrate on preparing to excel at your new job. You’ll never have to worry about whether your papers are correct and complete or facing an immigration interview alone. You can be confident you’ll be paid in full for every shift, and you’ll never have to pay to work in the US.
Once you’re across the border, we’ll make sure you get to your new job site safely and on schedule, we’ll enroll you in our orientation and training program, and make sure your on-site housing is compliant with applicable state rules and federal regulations. And we’ll be available to you for troubleshooting, and conflict resolution throughout your contract.
At the end of the season, we’ll make sure you receive the transportation or subsidy home that US law entitles you to.

Our Culture of Integrity Helps You Get Employed & Stay Employed.
- Our recruiters are trusted by the people in your community – We never work with outside recruiters, and all of our recruiters have worked in the main communities from which we draw our talent for years. You know us. Your family knows us. Your community knows us.
- Help prepare you to work in US – When we come to your town to recruit, we hold a town hall meeting where we answer your questions to the fullest of our ability. Our goal is to help ease any anxiety you may have before signing on for seasonal work.
- We protect your rights – CIERTO has a team of legal experts and activists standing ready to protect your rights at the border and on the job.
- Vet growers for working conditions – CIERTO carefully vets each and every farm we work with to make sure they treat their workers with respect and dignity. If we feel that a grower does not meet our standards for employee welfare, and will not make good faith efforts to come into compliance, we simply won’t work with them.
- Provide training – Our comprehensive training package helps you learn the rules of your new job, and acquire new skills that will help you succeed this season, and be invited back as a guest worker year after year.
- Assist with conflict resolution – Even on the most well-run job sites, workers and managers come into conflict. We’ll be available to help you proactively work out your issues with the grower or their representatives in a way that is acceptable to the grower, and good for you.
Hundreds of Seasonal Workers Just Like You Have Earned Sustainable Work with CIERTO.
Visit our Facebook page for more information and to start the process of becoming a seasonal guest worker in the US.